The mailserver for this domain uses a combination of real-time blocking with white- and blacklisting as well as adaptive greylisting to reduce the amount of spam from >80% to below the 1% margin. This is unfortunately necessary so that we do not get buried under spam and does occasionally lead to problems with legitimate email. Please contact the administrator, if you think something gets erroneously blocked.

  1. Whitelisting: Anyone who received an email from this server is automatically whitelisted and his address will be exempt from (further) spam checks. We do not respond to spam or opt-out newsletters.

  2. Blacklisting: In case your network environment has been abused for spam in a significant manner, it could be possible that your IP range is on one of the international blacklists. The error message should tell you which list has caused this block. End-users need to contact their provider to get this problem fixed.
    Important: Your emails will also be filtered out on others servers, you just may not be informed about it and the emails will vanish in the recipients spambox or even be discarded silently. We do not consider that good practice and hence this won't happen silently here. We have no spambox or similar filters. You will always receive an error message.

  3. Adaptive greylisting: Messages which contain several spam characteristics according to automatic analysis will be subject to a greylisting policy. That is to say these messages will be temporarily denied and only accepted after a couple of hours upon (automatic) retry of the sending server. As only messages with multiple spam characteristics are affected, most unknown senders will be able to send emails without delay. Only in rare cases and with a misconfigured sending email server these emails will fail. Please complain to your provider in that case.

  4. Manual verification: Messsages that contain too many spam characteristics will get rejected with a whitelisting link in the error message. Therefore please always read all error messages - there will be no separate email to prevent back-scatter effects. You will need to whitelist your sender address only once, all following emails will pass through, so only the first message needs to be resent after following the link.

Please look into your spam-folder? I hear that frequently, but it is impossible, as the users of this domain simply don't have a spam-folder. Each email is either accepted or rejected. No email vanishes without an error message. If your provides processes the error message correctly, you should have received it.

Email is also no one-way communication: Please refrain from using noreply@ addresses for sending email.